Monday, May 4, 2015

When STD pathogens get into the human body, they begin to multiply, causing inflammation. They dama

"Zvyagel" weekly newspaper (m.Novohrad Volynskyy) melancholia trailer Blog Archive What is HIV, AIDS, STDs, and how to protect yourself from them Feedjit Live Blog Stats
Keep in mind that during sexual intercourse is always a risk of contracting the disease, melancholia trailer sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). 3arazhennya HIV over time leads to AIDS (AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome it). As you know, AIDS - one of the major problems with which humanity melancholia trailer is confronted late XX and early XXI century. HIV, like other viruses, such as influenza, herpes, melancholia trailer very small organism that can not be seen with a normal microscope. For his life virus must penetrate a living cell. In the case of HIV - is immune (protective) human cell where the virus lives rozmnozhayetsya and which destroys it, thereby reducing the ability of the human body to fight infection. Holders of long-term HIV may look and feel healthy, but immediately after infection Cold-observed symptoms (signs). Then comes the latent period when the virus not manifest itself. It can last for years. All this time the HIV-infected person feels good and, not knowing that her HIV infection, can infect others. And over time the immune system is weakened more, and the virus sylnishaye, melancholia trailer the years pass, weakened by HIV infection the body can no longer fight off infections as before. There are three main ways of HIV transmission from one person to another: sexual contact with an HIV-infected person. When semen or vaginal secretions (vaginal discharge) infected person get on the mucous membranes of the vagina, penis, mouth, stomach cats or direct another person with whom the virus into the blood; When the integrity of the skin is broken sharp objects (needles, razor or tattooing instrument for) that it used before an infected person, and the blood which remains on it. The greatest risk of HIV infection when re-use syringes or needles to inject drugs or infected with HIV after drugs and blood transfusions containing HIV; HIV can also be transmitted to the fetus from an infected mother during pregnancy or childbirth, or after birth through the mother's milk.
Human immunodeficiency virus is not transmitted by: Sharing HIV-positive use of outer clothing. Handshake. Hugs. Door handles and sports equipment. Sharing fountain for drinking melancholia trailer water. Dishes, food. Sneezing and coughing. Contacts public transport (such as "Rush Hour"). Coins and paper money. Bed and underwear. Pets. Mosquitoes and other insects. melancholia trailer Towels, soap, washcloth. WC (toilet). Swimming in the pool. Kisses.
In addition, through sexual transmission is possible not only HIV but other diseases. These include syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes brilliant, hepatitis B, genital warts and others. Today, melancholia trailer more than 40 pathogens that are transmitted sexually. At different from other diseases STDs in most cases linked to dangerous behavior. Carelessness, extravagance, irresponsibility, unwillingness or inability melancholia trailer to foresee and consider the consequences melancholia trailer of their behavior often lead to human infection with STDs. Usually, people who are sick for STDs, it is a standard pattern: sex, nothing suspicious not felt that the patient understood a few days, weeks or years (HIV / AIDS) .and no awareness of their disease over hidden this period led to the spread of STD infection because melancholia trailer of other people. Each disease has its own characteristics and features, each selects specific medicine therapies. But often, some people do not follow the advice of the doctor, and to friends, melancholia trailer or dubious experts. This leads to the fact that the number of people who fall ill increases. The consequences of STDs nevylikovuvannya very serious. Here are some examples: the development of inflammation of the genitals in both men and women that may impair sexual function (including impotence); infertility, which occurs in 20-40% of men and 55-85% of women with STDs nevylikuvanymy; serious complications during pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, birth of sick children; chronic (persistent) melancholia trailer pain in the genitals; increased risk of HIV / AIDS and hepatitis B. How to know whether infection occurred STDs?
When STD pathogens get into the human body, they begin to multiply, causing inflammation. They damage the lining of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries in the female body, testis and epididymis - in men; can affect any internal organs and blood. Often the disease develops hidden. Keep in mind that in many STDs early manifestations can be subtle, and most people do not pay attention to them until serious symptoms appear, and thus difficult to

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