Acquired bronchiectasis develop most often in connection with poslepnevmonicheskim pneumosclerosis. Starting this process often refers to the children's age when it occurs after severe measles or whooping cough complicated by pneumonia. Often lead to bronchiectasis and influenza pneumonia.
The significant role of focal pneumonia due, firstly, the fact that these infections cause is known for severe bronchial profound changes, affecting not only the mucosa ovarian cyst and submucosa, but also elastic and muscle fibers. Inflammatory infiltration of the bronchial wall ends in the formation of connective tissue. There is always an inflammatory infiltration in the tissue surrounding the bronchial tubes. Peribronhitichesky ovarian cyst process even more prevalent. Peribronhit and subsequent peribronchial sclerosis, affecting the lymph and blood vessels can lead to zapustevaniyu past that disrupts the blood supply of the bronchus and reinforces destructive changes in the bronchial wall. Thus, bronchitis and peribronhity lead to the substitution of elastic elements bronchial muscle ovarian cyst and connective tissue, resulting in decreased resistance to the wall of the bronchus. Such more pliable bronchi worse oppose intrabronchial pressure ovarian cyst during inhalation and exhalation, and begin to expand.
Second, focal pneumonia, which complicated mentioned infections, particularly measles and influenza, often exhibit a prolonged duration and rassasyvaya not completely ovarian cyst end the formation of connective tissue, ie pneumosclerosis. Pneumonia motivated peribronhita develop in close proximity to the bronchus; fibrosis and therefore localized in close proximity to peribronhiticheskimi changes. It is clear, therefore, that cicatricial contraction in the area of developing fibrosis ovarian cyst will enthrall has lost its normal resistance of the bronchial wall, which will, therefore, to expand the bronchus.
In the development of bronchiectasis are important transferred exudative pleurisy. Prolonged pleurisy after exudates resorption can lead to pneumonia ovarian cyst periplevriticheskoy which usually extends along the interstitial tissue of the lung. Favors the development ovarian cyst of interstitial pneumonia in these cases due to pleurisy and pulmonary atelectasis. Periplevriticheskaya interstitial pneumonia may also cause peribronhit, and therefore defeat the bronchial wall. Thus, the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis posleplevriticheskih essentially the same as poslepnevmonicheskih, ie, it is also associated with pneumosclerosis, peribronhitom with changes bronchi.
Finally, bronchiectasis may be associated with the pathogenesis of bronchoconstriction different origin, for example, caused by cancer, stricture, which developed as a result of a syphilitic process tuberculosis. Some believe that the extension of the bronchi associated with increased expiratory pressure, which is created in the bronchi below the stenosis. ovarian cyst But in fact, and here is more important ovarian cyst secondary inflammatory process that develops in the lower bronchi and in the surrounding tissue.
Thus, we come to a common understanding of the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis, regardless of whether they are developed in connection with chronic ovarian cyst bronchitis, with poorly resolved focal pneumonia, pleurisy with lingering or bronchoconstriction. Single pathogenetic basis of bronchiectasis is, therefore, pulmonary fibrosis with chronic bronchitis and peribronhitom. Critical importance is the condition of the bronchial wall. Pulmonary fibrosis is unlikely to lead to bronchiectasis, if not simultaneous peribronhita bronchitis and reducing the resistance of the bronchial wall. On the other hand, bronchitis and peribronhit, however, can cause pulmonary fibrosis and without bronchiectasis, but this is usually less pronounced bronchiectasis. In the pathogenesis of bronchiectasis often plays the role of the presence of both of these processes.
Bronchiectasis is not so independent disease and should be considered as a manifestation of pulmonary fibrosis. All diseases that can lead to fibrosis can also lead to bronchiectasis. ovarian cyst These include focal pneumonia, ovarian cyst pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis, primary lung cancer, actinomycosis, syphilis of the lung, lung abscess.
Congenital bronchiectasis may have a double origin. Some are formed already ovarian cyst in the uterine period under the influence of some anomalies of the bronchi. Others are not innate in every sense of the word, and secondarily on the basis of developing lung atelectasis; in the latter case the lung alveoli in the newborn is not victimized in any portion of the lungs, and therefore the second ovarian cyst coming bronchiectasis.
Acquired bronchiectasis ovarian cyst but the form is divided into cylindrical and saccular; some distinguish more spindle-shaped. Cylindrical bronchiectasis are diffuse bronchiectasis. They cover quite significant in
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