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Helicobacter pylori (HP) is very small, swollen ankles in the form of commas extremely maneuverable and Gram negative bacilli. Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that is found in the gastric mucosa. The only bacteria that can survive in the highly acidic gastric contents, with very little swollen ankles oxygen, at a temperature of 37 C. In the želudačanoj mucosa, was discovered in an ulcer of the oral mucosa, the plaque, in the saliva, and was detected in the stool . H. pylori infection is accompanied by humoral and cellular immune responses. However, the host organism fails to eliminate this microorganism. Once developed H. pylori infection, if untreated, can persist for decades, and probably the whole of life. It is characteristic that in the majority of infected is no symptoms of the disease, while in a small number of developing symptomatic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer and MALT lymphoma. Put transmission method of conveying HP infection is not yet fully explored. All current findings corroborate the claim that the infection is transmitted directly from an infected person to a healthy person, and this in three main ways: stomach swollen ankles - the mouth, the vomit when an infected person who has a large amount of bacteria, they permeate the mouth healthy people; mouth - the mouth, the mouth when an infected person enters the mouth bacteria healthy people; chair - mouth when bacteria from an infected person's stool, dirty hands, goes into your mouth healthy. There are indications of other routes of infection (from the environment through water or through swollen ankles cats, dogs, etc.), but it still needs to confirm the detailed research.
Fastest infecting small children who live in poor socio - economic conditions. HP infection swollen ankles is most common in children who share a bed with their parents or other children swollen ankles in the communities swollen ankles where the mother chewed food that gives the child, swollen ankles or the child 's pacifier previously placed swollen ankles himself in the mouth. Infection is more common in children who are placed in institutions of different types. Pathological (medical) significance Aggressiveness bacteria from one host susceptibility and on the other hand, are probably responsible for some infected patients remain disease-free (they only have inflammation želudačane lining - gastritis, established inspection), while in other developing various diseases such as ulcers or even tumors (cancer or lymphoma of the stomach).
The most common symptom is pain, which is generally balanced and blunt. It appears and disappears at intervals of several days to several weeks. In duodenal ulcer occurs several hours after eating swollen ankles or at night on an empty stomach, swollen ankles and stops food intake. In gastric ulcer pain usually increases after food intake. In addition to pain, which is the most dominant symptom still occur: weight loss induced aversion to food or anorexia, bloating, belching, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms can be very mild or do not even have to occur. Bleeding is a common complication and happiness in about 25% of cases. Microbiological Diagnostics Diagnostic procedures for detection of HP infection are classified into two groups: invasive (inspection probe - endoscopic examination with targeted sampling (biopsy - rapid urease swollen ankles test, histology and culture), non-invasive (no inspection probe) - methods that reveal the presence of HP Blow - proving activities bacteria urea breath test, blood or saliva - the presence of specific antibodies in serum and / or saliva of an infected swollen ankles person swollen ankles (this method is not good if you have been taking therapy), stool examination - evidence of bacteria (antigen HP) in the stool of patients. treatment
Gastric ulcer caused by H. pylori is treated by preparations that destroy pathogens and reduce the acidity of the stomach lining and gastric mucous membrane coating. H. pylori swollen ankles is destroyed with antibiotics, but due to the acidic environment in which the bacteria live to be affected swollen ankles by the reduction of acid secretion.
Therapy is combined with antibiotics, acid secretion blockers and drugs that act on the protective lining. Currently swollen ankles the most accurate so. triple therapy with two antibiotics against H. pylori in combination swollen ankles with the drug of which block acid secretion or Protektive (eg, azithromycin, amoxicillin + + omeprazole). Thus relieving symptoms ulcer, eliminate its cause in more than 90% of cases prevents recurrence (relapse). Provera effects of drugs on H. pylori swollen ankles performed swollen ankles endoscopic examination or inspection of breath 4 weeks after therapy. Antacids are used to remove the symptoms of disease and as adjunctive therapy. If the ulcer is caused by H. pylori is not necessary to take antibiotics, it is sufficient to take
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