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Caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection occurs most commonly pulmonal tuberculosis. However, it can occur in any organ. Pulmonary TB symptom diverticular disease is prolonged, diverticular disease even months durable, productive cough. Weight loss and general physical health deterioration is common. Lung X-ray is detected layer on.
Pulmonary tuberculosis with a person through coughing or talking into the air spread of tuberculosis bacteria. The same state of staying exposed diverticular disease to infection breathed. Exposed to only about one third is infected, but small children are particularly diverticular disease susceptible to tuberculosis infection. The majority of those infected never show symptoms of the disease. The disease develops, the first symptoms usually occur within two years of infection, but they can occur decades after the resistance weakens.
Before antibiotics tuberculosis in Finland was scary people killer, and it is still the rest of the world. Every year up to one million children become ill with tuberculosis, a recent study shows. If the estimate is correct, diverticular disease tuberculosis in children is two times higher than the WHO estimates. Children tuberculosis section diverticular disease is to many dangerous antibiotic-resistant strains that are difficult to treat. Every year, an estimated 32 000 children fall ill with tuberculosis such, the results show.
Completely defeated tuberculosis diverticular disease is not there either, because diverticular disease every year it gets sick of about 350 people. Who are the most at risk, Turku University Hospital Department of Pulmonary Diseases Specialist Tuula Vasankari?
Also, the Finns, who are long-term residents in countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis, can carry the infection. Still, tuberculosis do not need to protect themselves from everyday circumstances, because the risk of infection is low.
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the human subject suffering from disseminated disease diverticular disease bacterium speaking, sneezes or yskiessään. In the same enclosed space in a hundred persons around thirty gets infected, and of these, only three ill, Vasankari says.
TB is effective six months of medication. Early detection of the disease is challenging because the symptoms are many and varied, or they are not. For example, any cough can be prolonged tuberculosis. The symptoms may also occur sawing fever, chest pain, weight loss and general condition of the bill.
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