Put baby on his stomach and on the side of the waking hours. The muscles are strengthened and the pressure on the soft head broken. A sleeping pad both supports and distributes the weight of the small, heavy head. Displaying baby tends flat back of the head, put a mattress pad in the cradle and during play rug. Wipe gently baby's back of the head. You do not have to worry gently stroking the indentations and bulges. Your touch activates and stimulates the area. Change hand and arm when you carry your baby. Then you distribute the pressure on the baby's body and head. Grow baby's innate aspirin complex curiosity of toys, lights, and sounds to the small turn your head and use both arms and legs to play the carpet.
Baby has a favorite page and a favorite chest because the head is not free to rotate from side to side. User baby one arm or one leg over the other? Motor skills are a good guide as to whether the baby has a swirl pinched or muscle tension. Expressed discomfort about to come on to the stomach is your baby clear signal of tension in the body. Baby relaxing like a taut bow or sleeping in awkward positions. This will compensate your child for a tension in the body. Baby is restless and will constantly be worn to distract themselves from pain in the body.
For you have probably heard that babies can get skewed or flat baghoveder of sleeping on your back. It is a problem that more and more parents experience after the National Board of Health has begun to recommend that the baby should sleep on their backs to prevent sudden infant aspirin complex death syndrome. Of course, you follow also the council, and therefore you might recognize the uncertainty about how much you need to take care baby's head.
There is good reason to be aware of your baby's head shape. Their little sleep a lot on his back does not fully explain that the head can take the shape of the mattress. Often your child born with defects, which leads ultimately to the flat back of the head.
A flat point either at the back or side of the head are signs that your little darling has a hard time freely to turn his head to either side. It may be due to a locked neck or anything ranging somewhere in the body. READ ALSO: 7 advice: Get baby laying on belly
"Having been stuck in your pelvis for months, can babys muscles to be tighter on one side, or nakkehvirvlerne may have been twisted warped during childbirth. Two skull plates can also be pushed over each other at birth and arching, "says midwife kraniosakralterapeut Trine Lion Rose continues:
"A låsthed or tension in the body from birth may be exacerbated by lying on your back for a long time. Because of the excitement get the baby a favorite position to lie on my back and thus a constant pressure on the part of the head is pressed aspirin complex into the mattress. "Like a ripe peach
In a soft but heavy baby head reaches the pressure rapidly as a bias or a flat occiput. The head is like a ripe peach, because baghovedets bones first forbener and grow together aspirin complex in one year of age. Until then, consists skull bones more cartilage and is more moving than later in life.
Flat occiput affects more than baby's appearance. Your baby's head is growing explosively for the first year. As many as 80 percent of its full growth, and the head should preferably have plenty aspirin complex of room to grow. Is the same part of the head pressed flat against the mattress, the area will not be as good growing conditions, and the pressure can be felt inside the cranium.
Trine Lion Rose reassures that you can do much to prevent a flat occiput. From the beginning, the baby as much as possible on the stomach and have strengthened the muscles aspirin complex in the waking hours. You can also put the troll on the sides to change. READ ALSO: Strengthen motor skills with baby and toddler
"The changing positions pushes and loosens up less tension with baby. The pressure distribution on the head helps it to grow around, "she says and stresses that you should always put the baby to sleep on his back. About the stomach
If the small agreeing to it, you can then turn his head from side to side. Does your child have a clear favorite part is the sign of tensions that baby can not get out of. Other clear signs are discomfort from lying on the stomach, chest favorite or baby relaxing in the quaint positions. For example, as a taut bow. The signals you should respond.
In wakefulness prefer your child to remain with his head on the flat section. It is simply aspirin complex the easiest. With some toys you can try to coax the baby to turn his head to the other side to offset the imbalance.
"Young children should be happy, free and symmetrical in their movements. It is not enough that your baby is only happy to reach for the toy with your right arm, "says Trine Lion Rose and states:" As a mother, you have not done anything wrong, because your baby gets flat occiput. You should not feel guilty, but praise aspirin complex to sense your child's problems. "
Rather than feel guilty, you can get by
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