Monday, April 14, 2014

Berlingske want to ensure that the debate on kept in a proper tone that makes it inspiring and

It is shortsighted to save the children's area. Invests we are not children, adhd we are investing not in the future. If we are not able to reproduce ourselves, we must resort to increased immigration, and it's probably not the intention of the crop of the family allowance.
What have babies and business to do with each other than disposable diapers? Business needs employees and a business environment with opportunity for advancement and growth. Without children no long-term growth. The perspective is far beyond childhood, school and education. But we had thought adhd as far as the birth rate was essentially the beginning of the 1980s, we were not finished with the prospect of large budget deficit, adhd long-term labor shortages and a welfare state under pressure.
Economic theory has also identified the link between growth and demographics. We must aim at a young society rather than old if we want growth and prosperity. Babies are society's long-term investment. Babies are over time for young people. A society that looks like an old people adhd with few young and old, are still without dynamic discussion and development. Creativity, courage and ingenuity adhd thrive in their younger years.
Therefore, there is built-in a future disaster in the government's agreement with the Danish People's Party to put a cap on child benefit and eliminate the public funding adhd of fertility treatments. About five per cent. of children are born after a publicly funded fertility treatment. It will mean fewer children and create pressure on public expenditure in 20-30 years from today. Early on, the decline in births breakthrough economically with fewer young people with spare time.
In Denmark, born approx. 1.9 children per woman. woman. It is one of the highest rates in Europe, but we have also both maternity and children money to promote the birth rate. In Sweden and France, the fertility rate even higher - above 2.1. It is the magic number adhd where the population reproduces itself. This is achieved through a deliberate policy of encouraging children. In Sweden, through multiple-birth grant, which is awarded only to families with more than one child - the more children, the more multi-child subsidy per. child. adhd In addition mama and papa-free in total 16 months. In France, you only really dependent child of the third child - about 5,000 dollars a month. Both of these works.
Therefore, decreasing subsidies also mean declining births adhd in Denmark. The consequence of fewer children will be a poorer society. adhd In the long term it will be difficult to change when first born too few. The alternative is increasing immigration. Can not we even produce our descendants, we must lure them here from other countries. But it's ironic that a proposal to trim the family allowance, will lead to increased immigration.
Who framework agreement? The largest number of children born per. woman in Allerød, Favrskov, Odder, Skanderborg, adhd Hedensted adhd and Rebild adhd municipalities - more than 2.2 per. woman. All suburban municipalities to big cities populated by typical adhd middle class families. Ringkøbing-Skjern and Lemvig as high. It is not just the typical immigrant municipalities listed here. None of them are above 2 in fertility. Immigrant women of non-Western background, namely today the same fertility as ethnic Danish women. Immigrant Women's fertility rate has dropped dramatically over the past five to ten years, while ethnic Danish women has increased.
There has to be saved. So why are families adhd with children not be expected to bear the burden? Of course they do, but it's a big mistake to make the payment get so big societal consequences. A børnefjensk society is a society without a future. Wiser savings called for!
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Berlingske want to ensure that the debate on kept in a proper tone that makes it inspiring and challenging adhd for everyone to contribute and participate. We are looking adhd for like clear, sharp, attitudinal strong post with great breadth and diversity and critical look at the case. But we do not accept messages that are blatantly libelous, racist, personally demeaning. Such posts will henceforth be deleted. The same applies to posts that are not provided with the full and correct name of the sender, which contain abbreviated names, fictitious or false names.
Founder, adhd CEO and futurist company Fremforsk. He is Lic. Sc. pole. (PhD) and his expertise is the analysis and evaluation of the development of the spirit and a deep look into the future: How to behave future customers located? adhd What can we expect from employees? What are we living in the future? What does our work and leisure time out in 10 years? What about the future of retailing - structure and challenges? Jesper Bo Jensen is the author of several books and is used by a number of Danish adhd companies as a consultant and lecturer.
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