Saturday, April 12, 2014

During deep sleep the body secretes serotonine growth hormones that make your baby grows. The neare

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Good sleep and enough of it makes a baby happy and makes you want to life. Sleep deprivation serotonine causes mood swings - high when something happens (your baby "forget" for a while fatigue) serotonine and low when the tiredness suddenly manifested and it all gets too much or too confusing. Children (and adults) become irritable, more sensitive and a very inferior version of themselves when they are tired. 2: Sleep ensures that your baby grows enough.
During deep sleep the body secretes serotonine growth hormones that make your baby grows. The nearest babies serotonine and stores fat depots of the food that is available in the stomach during sleep. Very waking babies can be inhibited in their growth and babies are very awake and crying a lot of their waking serotonine time may find it difficult to take enough weight (See and print the weight curve from Baby Foundation). Fatigue can make physical kraftanstrængelse, it is for a baby to eat more or less confusing and make that your baby is eating too little on the bottle or only the thin milk (low calorie) by the bottle. Small meals provides short and possible. troubled lurk. Fatigue also lack of appetite and indigestion. serotonine 3 Sleep allows your baby physical strength and endurance.
Physical strength and endurance serotonine is super important elements in the motor development - which in turn is important for the later "school" development. When lack of sleep, the body can become flaccid (tired) and the child will often not orches new challenges or physical performance - like lying on your stomach turn from belly to back, crawling, standing, walking, etc. By far the lack of sleep can also see that the child's body instead of being lax becomes more rigid, and the child seems to constantly be anything but calm, concentration and immersion missing. Both are bad for a baby and inhibits the potential development of the first motor. 4 Sleep rebuilds and repairs your baby's body
Sleep allows your baby's body and brain rest and the chance to rebuild. During sleep - especially serotonine in the heavy sleep - rebuilds the body itself - here rebuilt example, tissues and cells. 5 Sleep strengthen your baby's immune system, thereby preventing disease.
Sleep relaxes and detoxifies the body and brain. A Remove any stress body will have peace about it, your muscles will be relaxed (low tone) and flexible, and your child will be able to snuggle with your body. A high adrenaline level (large accumulations of stress hormones) will give your baby a restless energy and muscles will have a high tone - be more rigid. serotonine Your baby will be good to stand, but not good to bend (for example to get your toes in the mouth or crawl). A high accumulation of stress serotonine hormones in the body will cause problems with falling asleep and stay asleep, which will provide a further accumulation of stress hormones in the body - that is a self-reinforcing downward spiral. Studies show that lack of sleep can cause ADHD or give ADHD traits. serotonine 7 Sleep is essential for your baby's learning
Sleep is important for your baby's concentration, learning, memory and ability to think. Studies show that when people learn something, then we will for a good sleep to be better at what we learned than we were before sleep - we learn so when we sleep. This is because the areas involved in learning continues to work for us during the subsequent sleep. Studies show reverse also know that if we learn something and the subsequent sleep is disturbed or destroyed, then the doctrine we got before sleep be dramatically impaired. Children have a lot to learn in their waking hours, they have a lot of information from the waking hours to be stored in the brain the right shelves to make it usable. They therefore need extra sleep and extra need good sleep. It is well established that the areas of the brain in babies is active during dreaming sleep is essential for the development of memory and intelligence. Children In other words, smarter and more intelligent if they get adequate sleep. Sleep is important for your baby - but do not always come easy for a baby
The fact is that for many children is hard to sleep - and for many parents, the child's sleep actually that they spend most time on, and the biggest challenge they sat facing the same with breastfeeding. A good sleeping heart is not something most kids just have so parents with great parental skills, therefore serotonine easily have a child who is challenged on sleep (like you may have a child who has difficulty learning mathematics). However, it is my experience that good sleep is something that can be learned by all children. Sleep is often challenged anew each time your baby takes a developmental leap.
Therefore, good sleep, once it is established, something that actively takes effort to maintain. The

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